A mixture of tron and a terminal icon, thanks DALLE

I want to like Nushell

I don’t like bash, I don’t like zsh, but I am stuck with them. I tried fish and oil, but somehow never got the hang of it (note… i should revisit them). So when I saw pcwalton playing around with yet another new shell, I was intrigued. nushell is one of the new shells around the block who aim to provide a much better experience over old established shells like zsh or bash....

February 13, 2024 · 7 min · 1400 words · dsp
A ghost sitting in front of a laptop

Phantom Types

UPDATE Wed 24th, 2024: This article was originally called “Nominal Types”. A few people on lobste.rs and r/programming pointed out that naming this Nominal Types is incorrect. A better description would be Phantom Types or maybe Tagged Types. Quick overview of using nominal types to encode semantic differences between types in an efficient and elegant way The Problem Let’s say we’re writing a program with various types of IDs: user IDs, group IDs and document IDs....

January 22, 2024 · 4 min · 850 words · dsp